We have several entity and relations in our data model. We have been loading them in Dev and Test.
We have observed that the attached relationship data are failing.
Mapping Name : Account_Teammember Mapping
Input File : AccToTeammember1.csv
Error : Relationship attributes 'start_entity' or 'end_entity' parsing failed
All the start object entity & End object entity are loaded and present in tenant with respective crosswalk & source table
The input has around 1.3 k records, while loading only 1.3k records; only 109 records are successfully loading.
If we separately try to load any single record which failed, it is loading successfully.
The reason why this data load job fails for some records is a wrong mapping.
Crosswalk for relationships in the mapping is configured as
"crosswalks": [
{ "contributorProvider": false,
"dataProvider": true,
"sourceTable": "=source('col.0')",
"type": "configuration/sources/Salesforce",
"value": "=source('col.8')" } ]
The value are getting from Identifiers_ID column.
Now, let's look at the first record reported in the error file.
Account.Teammember,Account,User,SFDC,Account.Teammember,Account,User,SFDC Account User Relation ID,00560000005LBfqAAG,0016000000xbmXJAAY,00560000005LBfqAAG,Account Executive,"Relationship attributes 'start_entity' or 'end_entity' parsing failed"
As you can see it has Identifiers_ID equals 00560000005LBfqAAG.
The source file has two records with the same value:
However, the values for Start_OBJECT_ID are different. So the same relationship (crosswalk value is the same) is established for different pairs of entities. As a result, the final JSON which DL prepares for loading is the following:
"startObject": {
"crosswalks": [
"sourceTable": "Account",
"type": "configuration/sources/Salesforce",
"value": "0016000000xbmXJAAY"
"sourceTable": "Account",
"type": "configuration/sources/Salesforce",
"value": "0010z00001ViQ0sAAF"
"attributes": {
"AccountContactRole": [
"value": "Account Executive"
"type": "configuration/relationTypes/AccountToContact",
"crosswalks": [
"sourceTable": "Account.Teammember",
"dataProvider": true,
"type": "configuration/sources/Salesforce",
"contributorProvider": false,
"value": "00560000005LBfqAAG"
"endObject": {
"crosswalks": [
"sourceTable": "User",
"type": "configuration/sources/Salesforce",
"value": "00560000005LBfqAAG"
This is not valid as the startObject is defined by two crosswalks.
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