Why can't I see SUGGESTING in the UI Drop down?


We are unable to see the Suggesting Option for any profile in our Tenant. We are unable to suggest any changes on the profiles and are able to see this option in lower environment and other parallel PRODUCTION tenants.



  • Check the access for the user trying to access the entity.  Make sure that that there is a definition for INITIAL_CHANGE_REQUEST
GET https://<environment>.reltio.com/reltio/api/<tenantId>/entities/<entityId>?options=showAccess
  • Check the UI bitbucket definition and make sure that there is a definition for WorkflowsView.
"label": "Workflows",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.side.WorkflowsView"


"point": "com.reltio.plugins.ui.perspectivePart",
"id": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.EntitySidePanel",
"class": "com.reltio.plugins.ui.PerspectivePart",
"layout": {
"layout": "tabs",
"items": [
"label": "Research",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.side.ResearchView"
"label": "Network",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.side.NetworkView"
"label": "History",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.side.HistoryView"
"label": "Discussions",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.collaboration.DiscussionsView"
"label": "Workflows",
"layout": "scroll",
"items": [
"view": "com.reltio.plugins.entity.side.WorkflowsView"
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