DnB Monitoring API updates are creating No-Label records

Issue : Customer has configured monitoring background job API for D&B monitoring daily in PROD tenant, when they get the updates from notification files they see that new No-Label records are getting created due to new crosswalk value of D&B which is not present in the tenant

Cause : This is due to Enrichment mapping not having Name ( or primary datalabel ) mapped

How to investigate :

First check the L3 to see the Datalabel that is used for entities , go to logs and search with entitiy name and filter by App - dnb_connector
fetch the “operationType”:“bkg_mon”,“operationId”:“5712811105714176" ( example ) , use below API

GET https://test-dnbconnector.reltio.com/b2bIntegration/dnb/batch/571281111112343



API request to get enrichment plus mapping with same headers as above
GET https://test-dnbconnector.reltio.com/b2bIntegration/config/mappings/enrichment?plus=true

Here we can see that the datalabel might not be mapped.

Solution : datalabel needs to be mapped in the enrichment


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