How to retrieve all DCR's created in a tenant by particular user


Customer is working on DCR extract for a Client Requirement.  They are getting only 10 Change request as it is the default. The Customer already knows they can use max to define the number for a response but want to get a response for all DCR's created by a User for they don't know how many a user can create per day.



Example; The Customer is currently using the following REST API endpoint below.

GET {tenantUrl}/changeRequests?filter=in(createdBy,'User')





To check the total number of changeRequest created by a particular user (in this case 'Integration_Gateway_User'), use the "_total" in the command and remove offset&max like below -

Request -


Response - 

    "total": 6193

There is no API call to get the detailed response of all the changeRequests, you have to use offset&max to limit the number of changeRequest returned.

For 1st 100 records, use offset=0&max=100
For next 100 records, use offset=101&max=200 and so on


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