Updating profile attributes in bulk generates miscount and other errors


A customer performed a bulk update on the "Identifier" attribute for 111 profiles but was advised by an automatic notification email from Reltio that 219 profile update attempts were made. Out of those 219 profiles, 111 update attempts succeeded, and 108 update attempts failed.

In addition to the above, the notification email appeared to misidentify the original "Replace all with" operation as a  "Find and Remove" operation.

The issues to understand are:

  • Why the profile count increased unexpectedly
  • Why a "Replace all" operation was identified as a "Find and Remove" operation.

Error message:

 "Reference or nested attribute with name EndDate not defined in entity type HCO" 


Reference profiles might not have the EndDate attribute set, so updating actions could not be performed.


Verify whether reference profiles for the failed entities have required attributes, such as EndDate. 

As to why a "Replace All" operation from the customer point of view is acknowledged by the system as a "Find and Remove" operation: the difference arises from the fact that "replace all" is comprised (by design) of two API-level operations, DeleteAttribute and AddAttribute. The email acknowledgment for a "replace all" operation shows an operation count rather than an entity count. Because there are two operations performed on each entity, the email figure appears to be a double count, even though it is really the sum of successful operations and failed operations.

In the example used for the problem statement above, an apparent double count of the involved entities would theoretically yield 222 (111 x 2). The email says 219 rather than 222 because in this case, three missing EndDate attributes affected the DeleteAttribute operation, but not the AddAttribute operation.

Note that for the operation counts, DeleteAttribute is considered only in case of an error.

The operation "Find and Remove" is parsed as two operations in acknowledgment email: it is DeleteAttribute (the first part of "Replace All"), and then AddAttribute (for the second - "Add new" - operation).

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