Can we Export all Business Objects like entities, relations and activities in a single export and does it support exporting to custom S3?


Can we Export all Business Objects like entities, relations, and activities in a single export and does it support exporting to custom S3?


The endpoint "_all" is a common endpoint that just triggers all types of exports and then returns an array which contains statuses of each type of exports. This endpoint has the same parameters that the separate endpoints ("/entities""/relations""/activities""/entities/_crosswalksTree") but doesn't allow the use of a custom S3 destination, where results of exports are stored.

Also, it doesn't support custom S3 paths. This common endpoint has two parameter types:

  • Parameters which are common for all types of exports. They are passed through HTTP query parameters. Common parameters are "email", "dateFormat", "distributed", and "taskPartsCount", which will be passed into all types of exports.
  • Specific parameters for each export. They should be specified in the body of a request.


POST {ExportServiceURL}/export/{{tenant}}/_all



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