Reltio Platform Status Page

About Reltio Platform Status Page

  • Overview
    • Opening View on the Status Page
    • How do I understand which cloud to monitor?
  • Using Status View
  • Incident History
    • Historical Uptime View
    • Incidents View
  • Subscribing to Status Alerts
    • Managing your subscriptions


Reltio Platform Status page is available at This is a new addition to our services to serve our customers and partners, to communicate the real-time statuses of the Reltio Platform. This is a public page, you do not need to be logged in to the Reltio platform or have a Reltio account to access this page.

Reltio Platform Status Page features a helpful list of all the system environments Reltio currently offers and a helpful Intercom UI of all the cloud dashboards indicating the system performance for all. 

Reltio Platform Status page provides the following capabilities:

  • Overall current status of all Reltio environments in all clouds
  • History of daily status of each environment
  • History of daily status of global services like Authentication Server
  • A historical daily log of past incidents with the capability to filter by specific service
  • Detailed current and daily status of various services inside of each cloud. Example: UI,
  • Details of each incident, including current status and timeline of remediation and
  • Each cloud uptime percentage for the last 90 days
  • Monthly uptime details
  • Capability to subscribe to status and incident updates by:
    ○ Email
    ○ Slack
    ○ SMS
    ○ Other channels like rss, etc.

NOTE: Reltio Status Page is based on the Atlassian service and is therefore
completely decoupled from Reltio’s infrastructure. Detailed documentation for it can be found


Opening View on the Status Page

This is the first view you will see on the page,


It provides you with the overall current operational status of all systems in all clouds.

  • The green bar with the “All System Operational” title indicates no ongoing incidents currently in any of the clouds.
  • The blue button, "Subscribe to Updates” , allows you to subscribe to automated alerts.
  • In the status monitoring page, the “About This Site” paragraph contains environment mappings
    to cloud name mappings. Using it you can find which cloud you need to monitor. Then you can
    select a specific set of services in this cloud to receive alerts for. We recommend keeping all
    services selected.

How do I understand which cloud to monitor?

When you log in to your tenant using a web browser, the URL you see always consists of the
next parts:
For example
As you can see, the URL always starts with your environment name.


Reltio's current operational environments are listed below:

US Cloud: 361 | test | dev | mpe-03 | prod-usg | test-usg
US Healthcare Cloud: prod-h360 | test-h360 | dev-h360 | na02-prod | na02-test
European Union Cloud: eu-360 | mpe-01 | eu-dev | eu-test | geu-prod | geu-test | geu-dev
Asia Pacific Cloud: ap-360 | mpe-02 | ap-dev | ap-test
Canada Cloud: gca-prod | gca-test
United Kingdom Cloud: guk-prod | guk-test | guk-dev


Another way to find out your cloud is to use cloud name tips:

To the right of the system environment name in the Intercom UI, you are able to hover over the '?' button which provides a convenient pop-up text bubble showing all the environments available within that respective system.



Using Status View

Items on the main status view by numbers

  1. The bar on the top shows the operational status of the platform in general for all clouds
    and services. If the status is green and “All Systems Operational” - there are no issues in
    any of the services of any of the clouds.
  2. Status of the specific cloud right now. Operational means no issues in any of the
  3. You can check the overall cloud status on any particular day in the timeline. Any color
    different from the green means there was at least one service issue that day and color
    shows the highest severity of the service degradation that happened that day.
  4. The “View historical uptime” button opens another view with a month view of uptime
    status and a full history of incidents for this period.

You can also see overall uptime for each cloud as a percentage.


In the Intercom UI, to the left of the system environment name, there is a '+' button that you can click and will expand to show the status of various areas of the system environment and their respective operational uptime. These areas are UI, API, Search/Export, Core, Queues, and Data load.



You are able to see the Uptime for all operational systems for the past 90 days within the Status UI.



At the bottom of the page, you are able to view 'Past Incidents' which provides a easy to view list of any recent past incidents that have occurred.



Incident History

You can click 'Incident History' right below 'Past Incidents'. This page provides a more in-depth look into any past incidents, as well as 'Uptime' of our system operations.


Historical Uptime View

Uptime view shows uptime status daily calendar with the same severity color coding. You can
switch the period shown (3 months per view) and a specific cloud.
Hover over a specific day to see the details for that day


Incidents View

Incidents view shows a monthly timeline with details of each incident that happened in a particular month. You can filter this view per component (for example to see only incidents that impacted UI).
By clicking on a specific incident you will be able to drill down to see details of the incident including resolution status, etc.


Subscribing to Status Alerts

On the opening view on the status page, you will find the 'Subscribe To Updates' blue button to the right.


The 'Subscribe To Updates' button allows you subscribe to automated alerts, in a variety of modes. You can choose to be updated by: 

Email - Get email notifications whenever Reltio creates, updates, or resolves an incident

Phone - Get text message notifications whenever Reltio creates or resolves an incident.

Slack - Get incident updates and maintenance status messages in Slack.

Webhook - Get webhook notifications whenever Reltio creates an incident, updates an incident, resolves an incident, or changes a component status.

Support Site - View our Support Site to get answers from our documentation.

Atom Feed or RSS feed - Provides a summary of updates from our Status site.


Once you subscribe, a message will be sent to you in case of any incident in any of the clouds
and then you will receive further notifications about the open incident until it is resolved.
You will receive a subscription confirmation email.
Sample email screenshot:


That email indicates that you can now manage your subscriptions and you will start receiving
email alerts.
Use the button in the bottom of the email body to open the subscription management view.

Managing your subscription

Select which clouds and which services you want to monitor and receive alerts for and which
services you would like to ignore the alerts and not receive emails.


Do not forget to save your changes!
You can always change the configuration of your subscription using the same button available in
the email.


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