Why can I not get the events from five months ago?


We have been extracting entity merge events using this API call. However, we are getting an empty set.

{{tenantURL}}/entities/_events/_scan?filter=((equals(entity_type, 'Individual') 
AND range(timestamp,1704070861000, 1719850435000))&max=1000


  • The "_scan" API for events does not check long storage; hence, it will not return anything older than 4 months.
  • It is possible to get merged events with the below API:
GET https://361.reltio.com/reltio/api/<tenantId>/activities
?filter=((gte(timestamp,'1706745600000') and
lte(timestamp,'1711929600000')) and
(equals(items.data.type, 'ENTITIES_MERGED')))&offset=0&max=200

Note: The above approach is NOT recommended as it will generate many requests to long-term storage (each time you change the offset parameter).


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