How can I add lookup types into RDM with correct parents?


RDM (the Reference Data Management tenant) populates a state code as "Andhra Pradesh"(INDIA) instead of the expected "Armed Forces Pacific”(US)". 

Reltio-defined RDM values are used for the state code and the country code.


  1.  Check the MDM tenant using the following GET API :

2. Find the RDM tenant ID. The snippet below shows sample RDM tenant information.

"rdmTenantId": "{rdm tenantId}",

3.  Check the RDM tenant and find the missing lookup for "AP" with parents using the following API:

GET {{rdm_uri}}/lookups/{{RDMTenantID}}/State

4.   Search for "AP" yields only the following highlighted values because "AP" for the US is missing:

"tenantId": "<<Tenant Id>>",
"type": "rdm/lookupTypes/State",
"code": "AP",
"enabled": true,
"sourceMappings": [
"source": "Reltio",
"values": [
"code": "AP",
"value": "Andhra Pradesh",
"enabled": true,
"canonicalValue": true,
"downStreamDefaultValue": true
"source": "ReltioRDM",
"values": [
"code": "AP",
"value": "Andhra Pradesh",
"enabled": true,
"canonicalValue": false,
"downStreamDefaultValue": true
"parents": [
"startDate": 0,
"endDate": 0,
"updatedBy": "<<email value for last update>>",
"updateDate": <<update date>>,
"version": 1


  • Update the following RDM tenant lookup for the code "AP":

   This update operation can be performed using the following PUT API:

PUT https://{{rdm-service}}/lookups/rdm_tenant_name/State/AP

    The Request body should look like the following:

"tenantId": "<<Tenant Id>>",
"type": "rdm/lookupTypes/State",
"code": "AP",
"enabled": true,
"sourceMappings": [
"source": "Reltio",
"values": [
"code": "AP",
"value": "Andhra Pradesh",
"enabled": true,
"canonicalValue": true,
"downStreamDefaultValue": true
"source": "ReltioRDM",
"values": [
"code": "AP",
"value": "Andhra Pradesh",
"enabled": true,
"canonicalValue": false,
"downStreamDefaultValue": true
"parents": [

"startDate": 0,
"endDate": 0,
"updatedBy": "<<email value for last update>>",
"updateDate": <<update date>>,
"version": 1


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