Why is the RDM lookup value loading slowly in the MDM tenant?


When a user edits a profile in the MDM tenant, RDM values take up to 15 sec to load. Business users are asking to improve the performance or to let users know it will come (some rolling or etc). We want to understand if there is a way to improve the performance.


This is special logic in UI to support the hierarchical structure of lookup.   If you do not want to use the "hierarchical structure" feature, you will need to update the business configuration and add hidden lookup attributes that have a dependency on another lookup.

  • First, add a new hidden attribute with lookups that would look like.


"label": "Hidden Lookups Attribute",
"name": "HiddenLookupsAttribute",
"type": "String",
"hidden": true,
"important": false,
"system": false,
"attributeOrdering": {
"orderType": "ASC",
"orderingStrategy": "LUD"
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/HiddenLookupsAttribute",
"lookupCode": "rdm/lookupTypes/REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_STATUS",
"skipInDataAccess": false
  •   Next,  add lookup dependency to an existing attribute (as seen below).   This will mean that you will not be using "hierarchical structure" and you will add a hidden lookup attribute that has a dependency on another lookup.
"label": "Registration Validation Status",
"name": "RegistrationValidationStatus",
"type": "String",
"hidden": false,
"important": false,
"system": false,
"attributeOrdering": {
"orderType": "ASC",
"orderingStrategy": "LUD"
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/RegistrationValidationStatus",
"lookupCode": "rdm/lookupTypes/REGISTRATION_VALIDATION_STATUS",
"dependentLookupAttributes": [ "configuration/entityTypes/HCP/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/HiddenLookupsAttribute"],
"skipInDataAccess": false


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