Why is RIH generating a 429 error?


We are encountering 429 errors (too many requests) on the following API call.


Need help checking the logs and see if the issue is on the Reltio end or on the Loqate end.

&HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
X-Backside-Transport: OK OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 10:52:01 GMT
X-Global-Transaction-ID: eba30d3062b051510957e683
Server: nginx
Vary: Origin
X-Gateway-Version: 1.8.4
X-Workato-Concurrency-Limit: 20
X-Workato-Concurrent-Sessions: 21
X-Request-Id: 9fe120afd2ec6c52e31b999880e9a3c0
X-Correlation-Id: 9fe120afd2ec6c52e31b999880e9a3c0
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: APIm-Debug-Trans-Id, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-Global-Transaction-ID
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST


  •  We have checked LogDNA and we have seen no 429 errors.
  • The cleanser warning in LogDNA is not a failure as it will try 5 times and then fail.  No failure occurred.
Jun 20 05:13:19dataload-59b4664f87-nf6xfdataloadERROR{"message":"Cleanse operation took more than threshold time.","name":"Loqate","operationId":"576e0348-08ad-4da4-b1cf-5a4ed91d9c35","tenantId":"","entityType":"configuration/entityTypes/Individual","entityUris":"ZaIPCkL,ZaIPH0b,ZaIPLGr,ZaIPPX7,ZaIPTnN... =50 records.","execTime":"1177 ms"}
  • Based on the information that given to support
1 job, 20 concurrent, no issues.  4 jobs, 20 conncurrent, 15 concurrent, 10 concurrent starts failing
4 jobs, 5 concurrent is ok

Please note the documentation in  https://reltio.jira.com/wiki/spaces/IRD/pages/2612985870/RIH+Workato+Limits

  • There is an API concurrency license limit based on a customer’s subscription (currently 5 concurrent API requests are included with the API Platform add-on, and additional concurrency can be added in packs of 5). When this limit is exceeded, the Workato API gateway will immediately respond with an HTTP 429 code until concurrency drops below a customer’s licensed limit.
  • API jobs have a 240-second limit after which the Workato API gateway will return an HTTP 504 code

NOTE: 429 is a client failure. HTTP Error 429 is an HTTP response status code that indicates the client application has surpassed its rate limit or the number of requests it can send in a given period of time. A 429 response is not technically an error — it’s a response from a server that tells the client application to stop sending requests because it simply doesn’t have enough resources to accept it at this time. 

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