How to check the merge details of nested attributes?


How to check the merge details of nested attributes?


Using the crosswalktree API, we can get the merged entities details, see below in details:

GET {TenantURL}/{entityURI}/_crosswalkTree

where: TenantURL:<Tenant Id>

Get Entity Crosswalk Tree:

Returns tree of contributors that have been merged into the specified entity. The root of the tree is the entity itself. Each contributor node consists of the following fields:

URI - URI of the contributor

crosswalks - crosswalks of the contributor (including crosswalks of relations that represent reference attributes)

merges - an array of composite nodes each of that represents a case of merge into this contributor during its lifetime (whereas it keeps the winner of merges). Each merge node in its turn consists of such nodes:

time - timestamp when merge occurred

user - initiator of the merge case

losers - contributors(entities) that were participating in merge but became a links

mergeReason - information about what caused the merge

mergeRules - information about automatic match groups caused the merge (if the merge was by the groups)

phantomEntity - a boolean field that tells whether this contributor was a phantom (that means it was never persisted in the database as a separate entity, it was just a participant of "merge-on-the-fly")



GET {TenantURL}/entities/031WTej/_crosswalkTree
Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512


"merges": [
"time": 1391096398251,
"user": "Mike",
"mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
"losers": [
"merges": [
"time": 1391096396326,
"user": "User",
"mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
"losers": [
"uri": "entities/0000Ust",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/599",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "FourthHCP",
"sourceTable": "Account"
"uri": "relations/0000JBB/crosswalks/359",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "relation",
"value": "FourthAddressRelation"
"time": 1391096397289,
"user": "User",
"mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
"losers": [
"merges": [
"time": 1391096387133,
"user": "Automatic merge process at 2014-09-19",
"mergeReason": "Merges found by background merge process",
"matchRules": "Person by passport and full name",
"losers": [
"uri": "entities/0000Dqr",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/611",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "SecondHCP",
"sourceTable": "Account"
"uri": "relations/0000Aef/crosswalks/130",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "relation",
"value": "SecondAddressRelation"
"time": 1391096387253,
"user": "Mike",
"mergeReason": "Merge on the fly",
"matchRules": "Person by passport and full name",
"losers": [
"uri": "entities/Second_Phantom_Contributor",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/604",
"type": "configuration/sources/amh54dX",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "Second MF Contributor XWalk Value"
"phantomEntity": true
"uri": "entities/00005KL",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/594",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "FirstHCP",
"sourceTable": "Account"
"uri": "relations/00006OP/crosswalks/15",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "relation",
"value": "FirstAddressRelation"
"uri": "entities/0000MNN",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/605",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "ThirdHCP",
"sourceTable": "Account"
"uri": "relations/0000Euv/crosswalks/245",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "relation",
"value": "ThirdAddressRelation"
"time": 1391096398594,
"user": "Mike",
"mergeReason": "Merge on the fly"
"losers": [
"uri": "entities/Third_Phantom_Contributor",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/32",
"type": "configuration/sources/amh54dX",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "Third MF Contributor Crosswalk Value"
"phantomEntity": true
"losers": [
"uri": "entities/First_Fake_Phantom_Contributor",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/610",
"type": "configuration/sources/amh54dX",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "2-12-85-06"
"phantomEntity": true
"uri": "entities/031WTej",
"crosswalks": [
"uri": "entities/0000dQR/crosswalks/471",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "entity",
"value": "FifthHCP",
"sourceTable": "Account"
"uri": "relations/0000NRR/crosswalks/473",
"type": "configuration/sources/SDS",
"ownerType": "relation",
"value": "FifthAddressRelation"
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1 comment
  • this answer refers about entity merge where as initial question was about Nested Attribute merge details


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