How can I use the Match Analyzer to find simple token issues?
- Where do we have too few tokens being created?
Definition of match rule
"ignoreInToken": [
This can be seen in this match analyzer results.
This can be remediated by removing either DoB or Zip from ignoreInToken after reviewing the entity ids mentioned in the match analyzer.
- Where do we have too many tokens being created (which can impact performance)?
Definition of match rule:
{ "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/matchGroups/Suspect10",
"label": "Suspect 10: Fuzzy(First, Last); Exact(SSN, AddressLine1, [(City, State) OR Zip5)])",
"type": "suspect",
"useOvOnly": "true",
"rule": {
"and": {
"exact": [
"fuzzy": [
"cleanse": [
"cleanseAdapter": "com.reltio.cleanse.impl.NameDictionaryCleanser",
"mappings": [
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName",
"mandatory": false,
"allValues": false,
"cleanseAttribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName"
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName",
"mandatory": false,
"allValues": false,
"cleanseAttribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName"
"matchTokenClasses": {
"mapping": [
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName",
"class": "com.reltio.match.token.FuzzyTextMatchToken"
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName",
"class": "com.reltio.match.token.FuzzyTextMatchToken"
"comparatorClasses": {
"mapping": [
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName",
"class": "com.reltio.match.comparator.StringCharactersComparator"
"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/LastName",
"class": "com.reltio.match.comparator.StringCharactersComparator"
"or": {
"exact": [
"and": {
"exact": [
"scoreStandalone": 30,
"scoreIncremental": 30
This can be seen in the match analyzer
This can be remediated by adding an ignoreInMatchToken statement using FirstName after reviewing the entity ids mentioned in the match analyzer.
"ignoreInToken": ["configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/FirstName"
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