We have found that for the Final Finished Goods entity "25hLE9yE" in the DEV tenant no workflow is visible in the UI. However, on checking using the API call to retrieve all process instances active on the entity "25hLE9yE", we found that "processInstanceId": "80893671" is returned.
On further investigation using the API to fetch the details of the processInstanceId "80893671", we found 3 workflow tasks active on this entity, as expected.
No workflow visible from UI for entity "25hLE9yE":
Workflow tasks available for the entity on retrieving process instance details using API:
The process 80893671 has three tasks: 80893691
, 80893696
, 80893700
"processInstanceId": "80893671",
"processType": "FinalFinishedGoodsWorkflow",
"objectURIs": [
"suspended": false,
"priorityClass": "Medium",
"taskType": "TradeMktgReview",
"createTime": 1674065083671,
"dueDate": 1674237883673,
"taskId": "80893691",
- All of them are invalid - "valid": false and validation message is "validationMessage": "For DCR change request should be first item, but found: entities/25hLE9yE"
"validationMessage": "For DCR change request should be first item, but found: entities/25hLE9yE",
"taskVariables": {
"entityType": "configuration/entityTypes/FinalFinishedGoods",
"isInnovationItem": false,
"isRepackItem": false,
"status": "OK",
"valid": false
- All these tasks have the same OOTB validator - com.reltio.workflow.core.task.validator.DataChangeRequestValidator
- This validator requires workflow task to be related with a DCR and DCR must be on the first place in objectURIs field. Since these tasks do not conform to these requirements validation fails and tasks are marked as invalid. We don’t display invalid tasks in UI.
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