Q: Why is this address being changed to "General Delivery" in addressLine1?
"add1": "*",
"lcty": "SALT LAKE CTY",
"admn": "UT",
"ctry": "USA",
"pcde": "84101"
A: General Delivery is a mail service for those without a permanent address, often used as a temporary mailing address USPS.com FAQs. Furthermore, it is best practice to avoid inputting astrix into an address that is being cleansed.
Q: Why isn’t Loqate automatically fixing the mistake(s) in my address input; I thought its only job was to cleanse all data entry mistakes from addresses in my system..
A: While we refer to it as a "cleanser' it is really an address verification tool that will do some cleansing if provided with sufficient input data.
Q: How does Loqate determine the output formatting?
A: They will parse from the address block to individual fields based on the standards of the respective country. Specifically, the postal carrier standards for the region. Here is the output format for every region https://support.loqate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/localhostatlasformatsphp_brand.pdf
Q: Junk Data not being removed
A: While it is called a cleanser, it is really an address verification tool. So while some easily identifiable junk might be removed from an address, some junk may not be as identifiable by the engine.
Q: What is CASS? Why should I use it?
A: CASS stands for "Coding Accuracy Support System," which is a certification program offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to evaluate the accuracy of address validation and correction software. It is a good choice for those who need verified deliverable addresses for shipping within the US.
Q: Is there a way to stop a location from automatically cleansing for a single entity?
A: No. There is no OOTB solution for this scenario.
Q: Why is the cleanser changing the address?
A: The Address Cleanser is a cleansing tool that tries to match your input data to the reference data. It is not an address formatting tool. Thus there may be times when the output data is different from your input.
Q: What is the minimum amount of input information the cleanser needs?
A: It depends on the processes your team is using. But as a general rule of thumb, the more data you can provide, the better.
Q: We would like to know how the cleanser works and how it provides a response?
A: The cleaner parses the input into its respective parts then compares it to the reference data to find a match.
Q: Loqate geocoding scheme for Latitude and Longitude
A: WGS84: https://support.loqate.com/documentation/fielddescrip/geocode-fields/ .
Q: Cleanser not returning values for some addresses
A: In order to fix it, we recommend adding returnDataByStatus to the cleanse configuration in the Physical config.
Q: How to cleanse an international address?
A: In order to cleanse international addresses, your team has to be licensed for countries outside of the US (plus territories)
Q: This is showing as a valid address on Google; why isn’t the cleanser returning a verified status?
A: Google Maps isn’t an address verification tool it is a navigation tool. So while Google Maps has an address for a location, that address may not be the mailing address.
Q: Why does the cleanser keep changing the unit to addressLine1 from line2?
A: The address cleanse will format the addres as it is expected by the national postal carrier of the country it is located in. To view out put formats please vist. https://support.loqate.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/localhostatlasformatsphp_brand.pdf
Q: What is Loqate and how does it work with Reltio?
A: Loqate is our Address Cleanser service provider. We have a copy of the Loqate service installed on our own servers for use on our platform.
Q: Our team is using CASS, but we have noticed that fake addresses are coming back as verified, why is that?
A: When checking if an address is valid using CASS or CASS2, you should technically ignore the AVC code and focus on the DPVFootnotes. I see that the DPVFootnotes are an A1 for "123 Fake St". A1 indicates an address is invalid and isn't found in the Zip+4 reference file. For more information on the CASS2 output fields, see the linked docs here.
Q: What is the behavior of the cleanser when you are using a lookup attribute as input to the cleansed
A: By default the cleanser will take the raw value unless you have resolveLookupCode set to true at either the tenant level or the attribute level.
Q. Some of the address data is not considered by the cleanser.
A: If Loqate Option “ovOnly” is set to true(default value if not set). Address data will only be considered if survivorship rules are configured such that ov value of the address data become true.
Q: Does Reltio's Partner Loqate provide NCOALink-type
(NCOA=National Change of Address) data?
A: No.
Q: When resolveLookupCode is enabled. Does cleanser consider lookup code or lookup value ?
A: Address cleanser would use the lookup code irrespective of whether the lookup code (or) lookup value is passed as raw value. This functionality applies to all cleansers. Please find the examples shown below.
example 1.
raw value : IN
look up code : IN
look up value : IND
cleanser would use the value of IN as input which is the look up code
example 2.
raw value : IND
look up code : IN
look up value : IND
cleanser would use the value IN as input which is the look up code
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