Why is Reltio Cleanser outputting a different address than the input from sources?


Reltio Data Cleanser cleanses addresses completely differently from what was loaded from sources. 


In the UI, the crosswalk view of an entity that shows 200 S WLS RD STE 100 coming from data sources, the Reltio cleanser interprets that character string as 200 Los Altos St Ste 100.

To check the address detail in the Loqate app as a second analytical step, the following input was used: 

 "admn": "CA",
 "add1": "200 S WLS RD STE 100",
 "lcty": "VENTURA",
 "ctry": "United States (US)",
 "pcde": "93004-1378"

This generates the expected address output: 

200 S Wells Rd Ste 100
Ventura CA 93004-1378

That detail is highlighted in the screenshot below:

If the Zip4 is removed from postalCode, then the address is changed to a different one, which is picked up by Reltio Cleanser and shown in the UI:

 "admn": "CA",
 "add1": "200 S WLS RD STE 100",
 "lcty": "VENTURA",
 "ctry": "United States (US)",
 "pcde": "93004"

200 Los Altos St Ste 100
Ventura CA 93004-2913


The inference from the steps shown above is that a Zip4 value is being ignored in the Tenant. Checking the L3 configuration of the tenant shows that in the input mapping of Cleanse configuration, only Zip5 was present, and Zip4 was not mapped. 


Zip4 must be mapped in the input mapping of Cleanse configuration to process cleansed addresses as expected. 


 "inputMapping": [

{                            "attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Zip/attributes/Zip5",
                                                   "mandatory": false,
                                                    "allValues": false,
                                                    "cleanseAttribute": "PostalCode"
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