Does the Salesforce Data filtering support an and/or functionality and can we use more then one attribute as filters?
Currently, Salesforce Data filtering supports an and/or functionality, and we can use more than one attribute of the entity as filters.
Data filtering support the following functions[equals, notEquals], and [OR, AND] logic operations between those functions:
To Salesforce direction:
Mapping example
equals |
[uri,value] - filter by level up value, where the value have to be equals to uri value |
Entity mapped to sobject:
Entity mapped to sobject with "complex filter" with two(or more) combinations:
Entity nested attribute mapped to custom sobject
notEquals |
[uri,value] - filter by level up value, where the value have not to be equals to uri value |
Entity mapped to sobject:
Entity nested attribute mapped to custom sobject
isEmpty | [uri] - filter by level up value, where the value should not exist |
Entity mapped to sobject:
Entity nested attribute mapped to custom sobject
isNotEmpty | [uri] - filter by level up value, where the value should exist |
Entity mapped to sobject:
Entity nested attribute mapped to custom sobject
To Reltio direction:
Mapping example
Mapping example
equals |
If match, data will be synced [uri,value] - filter by level up value, where the value have to be equals to uri value |
Sobject mapped to Reltio entity
Entity mapped to sobject with "complex filter" with two(or more) combinations:
Custom sobject mapped to entity nested attribute
notEquals |
If match, data will not be synced [uri,value] - filter by level up value, where the value have not to be equals to uri value |
Entity mapped to sobject:
Entity nested attribute mapped to custom sobject
isEmpty | [uri] - filter by level up value, where the value should not exist |
Sobject mapped to Reltio entity
Custom sobject mapped to entity nested attribute
isNotEmpty | [uri] - filter by level up value, where the value should exist |
Sobject mapped to Reltio entity
Custom sobject mapped to entity nested attribute
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