Why is LUD causing my address line to return OV=false when I use an external address cleanser?


We have a use case for a user to call a batch cleanser externally for one of our external users. We have assigned them a specific cleanse configuration to use in their calls. It is called an External address cleanser. However, the default survivorship group is overlapping with another user's configuration. This is causing an issue for the external cleanser calls when we change the default survivorship.


POST {{tenantURL}}/entities/cleanse?type=ExternalAddressCleanser

You have defined the following survivorship rule.  However, when a cleanser using Type=ExternalAddressCleanser, all of the attributes receive a value of OV=false


"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses",
"sourcesForOv": [
"survivorshipStrategy": "LUD"

This produces the following undesired result.

"AddressLine1": [
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses/attributes/AddressLine1",
"ov": false,
"value": "4613 UNIVERSITY DR",
"uri": "entities/wkgWUhF/attributes/Addresses/1vtqRE6Ph/AddressLine1/1vtqRJoB7"
"type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses/attributes/AddressLine1",
"ov": false,
"value": "4613 University Drive",
"uri": "entities/wkgWUhF/attributes/Addresses/1vtqRE6Ph/AddressLine1/1vtqREAfx"


It is possible to resolve the problem by introducing a filter in the survivorship rule.

"attribute": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses",
"sourcesForOv": [
"filter": {
"equals": [
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses/attributes/AddressType",
"value": "Home"
"survivorshipStrategy": "LUD"
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