How does match rules work with the D&B connector?


I have two queries regarding the DnB match.

  • When I click on 'Get a Match'  to get a match from DnB what set of match rules are executed? Are the match Rules configured in L3 are used to get a match from the DnB source or there's a separate set of rules on which matching records from DnB are returned? If there's a separate set of Matching Rules how and where can we configure/modify them.


  • When I did 'Get a Match', I get a record from DnB having the same URI as the record for which 'Get a Match' was called. Can you please explain how this URI is populated?



DnB connector is designed to work with L3 configuration and the DTSS service
Specific attributes in the data model:

Attribute Tenant Required Operation Description
DUNSNumber CT, DT Y R/T, batch A most important attribute for DnB connector. Each entity type has to have such attribute to be a valid entity for processing by the connector. 
entityURI CT, DT Y Real-time match Part of match rule on DT for show/merge potential matches from DT to CT via DTSS service
AutoMatchFlag CT, DT Y Real time match Part of match rule for auto-merge potential matches from DT to CT via DTSS service
SuspectMatchFlag CT, DT Y Real-time match Part of suspect match rule for potential matches from DT to CT via DTSS service
VendorVerificationDate CT N R/T, batch The date of the last update the connector made
VendorVerificationStatus CT N R/T, batch The status of the last operation performed by the connector

The matchRules for DnB are defined in the DTSS subscription.   For example:

"synchronizationConfig": {
"entities": [
"types": [
"matchRules": [
  •  You have a DnB connection defined for your tenant.
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer 19fb894d-64e7-42cc-b02e-821b9ae8c479' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'environmentUrl:' \
--header 'tenantId: <tenantId>'


    "success": "OK", 
    "tenant": { 
        "environmentUrl": "", 
        "tenantId": "<customerTenantId>" 
    "dataTenant": { 
        "environmentUrl": "", 
        "tenantId": "<dataTenantId>" 
    "profile": "devtest" 
  •  We can see that we have defined your tenant as a DTSS customer tenant.  But, you will need to apply the subscription to the data tenant  
      "tenant_id": {
          "id": "<customerTenant>"
      "oauth_end_point_url": "",
      "api_url": "",
      "support_email": "",
      "created_date": "2022-03-21T15:07:58.534Z",
      "updated_date": "2022-03-21T15:08:29.588Z",
      "created_by": "",
      "updated_by": "",
      "id": "9oUYCzp0nocucJS",
      "subscribe_to": []
  •  A subscription can be created using the API
POST {{URL}}/dtss/subscription 

Example of the request body

        "dataTenantId": { 
            "id": "<dataTenantId>" 
        "customerTenantId": { 
            "id": "<customerTenant>" 
        "bringGoldenRecord": true, 
        "bringInternalSources": [], 
        "tasksConfiguration": { 
            "onFinish": { 
                "consistencyReport": { 
                    "afterTasks": { 
                        "manual_copy": false, 
                        "manual_subscribe": false, 
                        "manual_sync": false 
                    "emails": [] 
        "mappings": [], 
        "security": { 
            "metadataAndDataSecurity": { 
                "enabled": true, 
                "permissionConfig": [ 
                        "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Organization", 
                        "permissions": [ 
                                "role": "ROLE_DNB_CONNECTOR", 
                                "filter": "equals(attributes.DtssCustomerTenantId, '9oUYCzp0nocucJS')", 
                                "access": [ 
        "eventsConfiguration": { 
            "entityDeleted": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE" 
            "entityModified": { 
                "actionInCT": "ACTIVATE" 
            "entityUnmerged": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE" 
            "entityMerged": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE" 
            "entityCreated": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE", 
                "entityTypes": [] 
            "entityMatch": { 
                "action": "ACTIVATE" 
            "entityCrosswalkDeleted": { 
                "defaultActionInCT": "IGNORE", 
                "source": {} 
            "relationCreated": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE" 
            "relationModified": { 
                "actionInCT": "ACTIVATE" 
            "relationDeleted": { 
                "actionInCT": "IGNORE" 
            "relationCrosswalkDeleted": { 
                "defaultActionInCT": "IGNORE", 
                "source": {} 
        "synchronizationConfig": { 
            "entities": [ 
                    "types": [ 
                    "action": "AUTOSUBSCRIBE", 
                    "matchRules": [ 
                        "configuration/entityTypes/Organization/matchGroups/ExactMatchByEntityURIConf9or10" <<<====  THIS IS A MATCHGROUP IN YOUR DATA TENANT
                    "thresholds": { 
                        "default": 1, 
                        "extendSubscription": false, 
                        "custom": [] 
            "dtSyncType": "REALTIME", 
            "ctSyncType": "REALTIME", 
            "relations": [] 
        "importRelationsConfig": { 
            "defaultStrategy": "IMPORT_IF_ENTITIES_SUBSCRIBED", 
            "strategyPerRelationType": [] 
        "groupContributors": true, 
        "fullImportLogESIndex": "dtss-full-import-log-index-default", 
        "autoRematch": true, 
        "hiddenDt": false, 
        "searchCtMetadata": false, 
        "endpointsConfig": { 
            "useSynchronizationConfig": false 
        "validation": { 
            "strictValidation": false, 
            "strictDataTenantValidation": true, 
            "strictCustomerTenantValidation": true, 
            "strictMappingCheck": false 
        "relationsSyncWithNullActiveness": false, 
        "partialOverrideForReference": false, 
        "logEntityUploadQueryForDebug": false, 
        "transformConfiguration": { 
            "goldenRecordConfiguration": { 
                "enddatingEnabled": false, 
                "enddatingReferenceEntitiesEnabled": false 
  •  You can see the MatchGroup rule that you can use in your subscription by using the API.
  •  You can see the match mapping that has been defined by executing
GET: {dnbConnectorUrl}/config/profiles/{profile}/mappings/match
  •  You can see the enrichment mapping that has been defined 
GET: {dnbConnectorUrl}/config/profiles/{profile}/mappings/enrichment

 For further information about troubleshooting your DnB connector please refer to


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