What is RSU and how can I reduce my RSU?


  • Is RSU storage is a permanent storage space? Or do we have temporary storage and Permanent storage space in RSU?
  • Can we check/find the total RSU consumption by the inactive profiles in the tenant?
  • What is the best way to reduce the RSU count if we are not able to do it through record deletion in Reltio? We have 1 million more profiles we are looking to delete and want to know how we would decrease the RSU count in addition. 


RSU stands for Reltio Storage Units. It is a metric used to measure the storage consumption of tenants in the compliance dashboard, providing information on data size, history size, interaction size, match size, dynamo match size, index total, activity size, GBT history size, and GBQ activity size for a given date.

It is calculated as the combined total storage size across all primary and secondary storage spaces (History, Activity Log, Match, Search Index, and Interactions). 1 RSU equates to 1 TB of storage usage. Current RSU usage for a tenant, including the breakdown of categories, can be found in the Console Tenant Management application.

RSU storage is not a permanent storage space, as it primarily consists of history data which can be managed by adjusting the Time to Live (TTL) parameter to reduce the retention period and reclaim RSU capacity.


   "historyBigTableConfig": { 
"memory": false, 
"project": "customer-facing", 
"instanceId": "euprod-history", 
"kmsEncrypted": false, 
"tableName": "mpe-01-jCuwH9ynuN0kwbE", 
"ttl": "P3M" 


You can track your RSU consumption for each tenant on Usage and Billing Metrics page in Console or by running the following API call.  You can not check by inactive profiles.

GET https://console.reltio.com/env/statistics/data?env=<Environment>&startDate=<possible start date>&tenant=<tenantID>

While RSU consumption comprises numerous aspects of storage, in practice, as time goes on and history is accumulated, most of the RSU consumption becomes composed of historical data. For veteran customers, history data will frequently represent 90% or more of the customer's RSU consumption. 

Currently, there is no documented or standardized service available that allows for the reclamation of RSU (Restricted Stock Units) capacity on the platform. As a result, any effort to manage and free up space or resources within the platform is limited.
You can delete an entity. If you use the DeleteByURs API call and set the "hard" parameter, the call will remove the entity and its history. But, neither the removal of the entity nor the removal of its history will result in reclaiming RSU capacity. The only way to reclaim RSU capacity at this time is by decreasing the TTL (Time to Live parameter) of the whole tenant. This reduces the "Retention Period" for ALL entities in the tenant. This parameter is set to a default # of years by industry when the MANF team creates the tenant initially. (e.g., for Healthcare, it's 7 years of retention; for High Tech, it's 1 year.). Reducing TTL to a smaller period will reduce the retention period for new activities. It will immediately truncate any history outside the updated retention period and cause previously consumed RSUs to become available again.
Reducing a tenant's TTL is a very aggressive move, and it's unlikely that many customers will want to take this action.

 If the customer needs to keep a copy of the older entity state that may be removed with the application of the new TTL, they should follow the steps to retain the state for historical purposes.

Example of API that should be used.  

POST https://<enviorname>.reltio.com/jobs/export/<tenantId>/entities?fileFormat=json
&awsAccessKey=<your S3 AWS accesskey>&awsSecretKey=<your S3 AWS secret key>
&s3Bucket=<your S3 bucket name>
&s3Path=<your S3 file name>

Request body 

  "ovOnly": true,
   updateTimeFilter": {"since": <start epoch time>, "to" : <end epoch time>}








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