How can I check that whether my GBQ entity tables are synchronized with my tenant entity data in Reltio?


How can I check that whether my GBQ entity tables are synchronized with my tenant entity data in Reltio?



For a spot check of data comparison between Reltio and GBQ tables, perform the following steps.

  • Execute the following API, this will return the entity total for an entity type.
GET https://<environment><tenantId>/entities/_total?filter=equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/<entityType>')
  • Execute the following GBQ query
SELECT count(distinct Id)
FROM `customer-facing.views_riq_dw_<envirnonment>_<tenantId>.entity_<entityType>_source_*`
where deleted = false

It is possible that if there is high activity in the system, the count could be slightly off.

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