How to associate new crosswalk with an existing contributor?


How to associate a new crosswalk with an existing contributor?


In case of override of an already existing entity, it is possible to associate new crosswalks with the already existing contributor.

Note: This is supported only for new crosswalks and it is impossible to move already existing crosswalks to another contributor.

To associate a new crosswalk with a proper contributor need to add to the entity's JSON at least one crosswalk from the contributor, with which the new crosswalk should be associated, with "dataProvider": false and "contributorProvider: true" properties. In this case, a newly created crosswalk will be associated with the contributor, which contains a non-"dataProvider" crosswalk marked as contributor provider.

Note: "contributorProvider": true option can be used only for non-"dataProvider" crosswalks, otherwise the error will occur. Also, the error will occur if to mark two non-"dataProvider" crosswalks from different contributors as contributor provider.


There is an entity with the following crosswalk tree (see Get Entity Crosswalk Tree):

  "merges": [
      "time": 1413408570877,
      "user": "user",
      "mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
      "mergeRules": "",
      "losers": [
          "crosswalks": [
              "URI": "entities/fb.1/crosswalks/9ju9",
              "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
              "ownerType": "entity",
              "value": "fb.1"
          "URI": "entities/fb.1"
  "crosswalks": [
      "URI": "entities/lnkd.1/crosswalks/BZ3K",
      "type": "configuration/sources/LNKD",
      "ownerType": "entity",
      "value": "lnkd.1"
  "URI": "entities/lnkd.1"

It has two contributors ("fb.1" and "lnkd.1") and each contributor contains one crosswalk.

Let's assume that we are going to add some values with the new crosswalk: "fb.2". And we want to associate this new crosswalk with "fb.1" contributor. In this case, we need to execute the following request:

POST {TenantURL}/entities
Headers: Authorization: Bearer 204938ca-2cf7-44b0-b11a-1b4c59984512, Content-Type: application/json
    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual",
    "attributes": {
      "Name": [
          "value": "New name"
    "crosswalks": [
        "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
        "value": "fb.1",
        "dataProvider": false,
        "contributorProvider": true
        "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
        "value": "fb.2",
        "dataProvider": true

Note: there is non-"dataProvider" crosswalk "fb.1" with "contributorProvider": true property.

Now the crosswalk tree will looks as follows:

  "merges": [
      "time": 1413408570877,
      "user": "user",
      "mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
      "mergeRules": "",
      "losers": [
          "crosswalks": [
              "URI": "entities/fb.1/crosswalks/9ju9",
              "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
              "ownerType": "entity",
              "value": "fb.1"
              "URI": "entities/fb.1/crosswalks/hk3f",
              "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
              "ownerType": "entity",
              "value": "fb.2"
          "URI": "entities/fb.1"
  "crosswalks": [
      "URI": "entities/lnkd.1/crosswalks/BZ3K",
      "type": "configuration/sources/LNKD",
      "ownerType": "entity",
      "value": "lnkd.1"
  "URI": "entities/lnkd.1"

If we had to post new entity without "contributorProvider" property for "fb.1" non-"dataProvider" crosswalk (default behaviour), we got the following crosswalk tree:

  "merges": [
      "time": 1413408570877,
      "user": "user",
      "mergeReason": "Merge by hand",
      "mergeRules": "",
      "losers": [
          "crosswalks": [
              "URI": "entities/0YjDHlZ/crosswalks/9ju9",
              "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
              "ownerType": "entity",
              "value": "fb.1"
          "URI": "entities/0BFcxNd"
      "time": 1413409970877,
      "user": "user",
      "mergeReason": "Merge by crosswalks",
      "mergeRules": "",
      "losers": [
          "crosswalks": [
              "URI": "entities/0YjDHlZ/crosswalks/hk3f",
              "type": "configuration/sources/FB",
              "ownerType": "entity",
              "value": "fb.2"
          "URI": "entities/0G2cxkL",
          "phantomEntity": true
  "crosswalks": [
      "URI": "entities/0YjDHlZ/crosswalks/BZ3K",
      "type": "configuration/sources/LNKD",
      "ownerType": "entity",
      "value": "lnkd.1"
  "URI": "entities/0YjDHlZ"



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