How does Reltio Provide failsafe data for the customers and how the Data Recoverability is done in Reltio?


How does Reltio Provide failsafe data for the customers and how the Data Recoverability is done in Reltio?


Reltio takes care of the below activities for fail safe data for the customers -

  • The data in the Reltio solution is redundantly Sharded and Replicated across a set of servers that operate on a Shared-Nothing architecture. This allows Reltio application to work without any issues even if a part of the overall cluster becomes unresponsive. Additionally, Reltio deploys it data and application servers across multiple availability zones in AWS to maintain a cross-datacenter deployment that further makes it resilient to a disaster scenario.

  • The Reltio application is designed from the ground up to:
    Scale horizontally and maintain a linear performance as the data volumes or usage load grows

  • Be Resilient to the disaster scenarios by sharding and replicating information across a cluster of servers that work on a Shared-Nothing architecture across global data centers.

  • Scale to both Real-time and batch load processes

  • Support 24/7 highly available delivery of data to end-users without the need to bring down the system.

  • Support Zero Downtime while making changes to customer configurations.

For data recovery, Reltio also supports and manages the following processes to recover from a disaster scenario

  • Regular Data backups are performed by Reltio in an automated manner so that Customer data can restored back to a previous state.

  • Exports are created in an automated manner and these exports (JSON format) can be used to restore customer data.

  • Reltio also maintains all of the data event history at a customer tenant-level with full event information to be able to replay any of the incoming or outgoing transactions.
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