Why is a different API call when I enddate a relationship in the UI?


In the UI, the action takes two different tracks. This causes the Data Stewart action to fail because the user does not have permission to DELETE the relations. I do not want to add DELETE to my user permissions. Why is this happening, and how can I force only the second API POST _UPDATE to be executed?

In case one.

In the first case, the following API call was applied.

DELETE https://na03-prod.reltio.com/nui/reltioAPI/api/<temamt>/relations/<relationsId>

In the second case, the following "UPDATE" API call.

POST https://na03-test.reltio.com/nui/reltioAPI/api/<tenantId>/relations/<relationsId>/_update?options=sendHidden,updateAttributeUpdateDates,addRefAttrUriToCrosswalk

Request body

"uri": "relations/00N96Ru/attributes/Roles/2vUuTnm/Status", 
"newValue": [ 

"value": "Inactive" 


"uri": "relations/00N96Ru/attributes/Roles/2vUuTnm/Status/2vUutNK", 
"newValue": { 
"value": true 


"uri": "relations/00N96Ru/attributes/Roles/2vUuTnm/EffectiveEndDate", 
"newValue": [ 

"value": "2024-09-06T05:00:00Z" 


"type": "UPDATE_END_DATE", 
"newValue": { 
"value": "1725598800000" 



The POST /entities/{id}/_connections request always returns start and end objects as stored in the database.  If the entity used during the creation of a relation was merged as a loser, we return the same. In the customer's scenario, the UI makes a different decision for what is returned.


A parameter in a physical configuration named resolveLoserStartEndObjectsInRelations has been introduced. When this parameter is set as false, the current behavior is performed. But if it is set to true, all requests that currently support the resolveMergedEntities request parameter will return winners as start and end objects of relations.

The parameter is set using. 

PUT https://na03-test.reltio.com/reltio/tenants/<tenantID>/optionalParameters


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