Question on Custom Script execution



1) We would like the Salesforce custom mapper from case 109707 removed. There was a misunderstanding where we were seeking approval and instructions to deploy ourselves, than having it deployed.


Answer : To deploy CL need to create a ticker for CL review and deployment. It should be done by integration team.


2) Can share the details on how we can develop and test a salesforce custom mapper ourselves before seeking approval?

Answer :  Doc how to test custom logic without deployment It can be shared with the customer. 

3) How can we deploy the mapper ourselves after your team has approved it? per #5 in Our admin was not able to deploy via API.

Answer : Custom mapping can be deployed by integration team only, because it can contain the code that will affect the whole service (for example infinite loop) For this reason, customers are prohibited from deploying custom logic themselves.


4) We also want to know implications / risks of a custom mapper. Why are approvals needed? Does the data go through some kind of shared tenant with the use of a custom mapper?

Answer : Custom logic only affects data passed to the custom logic hook as an input parameter, but because of #3 it have to be validated by integration team.




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