What does this message mean?
"severity": "ERROR",
"message": "env:361<<tenantId>+<profileId>> <w16>: CNR_W004 Processor hasn't processed events in 300000 ms"
Connector logs this message when the data synchronization process from Reltio to Salesforce takes more time than the pre-defined timeout value (default = 5 minutes) to process each batch of events. This includes all steps:
Getting Reltio event and storing to Database
Getting data from Reltio
Posting data to Salesforce
Callback data to Reltio
"messages": [
"timestamp": "2023-11-06T23:13:08.376Z",
"severity": "ERROR",
"message": "env:361<fWsIw6uj4Cl0dOD+00D4x000007rC7eEAE> <w4>:
CNR_W004 Processor hasn't processed events [\"fWsIw6uj4Cl0dOD+00D4x000007rC7eEAE.06qG4lu.1\",
\"fWsIw6uj4Cl0dOD+00D4x000007rC7eEAE.Zead5fL.1\"] in 300000 ms.
Retry events processing will be executed in 10000 ms"
The connector will retry this process until failed events until the retry limit is reached. Only if all attempts are exhausted, a CNR_E219
is logged which means that this event/entity will not be synchronized.
The reason that the processing on the Salesforce side took a longer period of time was caused by one of the entities 0kTDjQ5 (which is 9 Million bytes)
"is_large_object": true,
"entity_size": 9993608,
"entity_json_size": 7074074,
"event_size": 996274,
"crosswalks_count": 164,
"max_simple_values_per_attribute": 162,
"max_nested_values_per_attribute": 733,
"max_reference_values_per_attribute": 0,
"sub_nested_attribute_values_count": 19715,
"sub_reference_attribute_values_count": 0,
"reference_crosswalks_count": 0,
"verification_result": [
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