- What does "CNR_E224 Reltio Call has been rejected after <millisecond count> ms timeout"?
- What does "CNR_E225 Failed to get Reltio entities" mean?
- What does "CNR_W004 Processor hasn't processed events in <x number of millseconds> ms" mean?
- What does the message mean - "CNR_E223 RELATIONSHIP_CHANGED event not processed"?
- What does the error message "CNR_W004 Processor hasn't processed events" mean in the SFDC log?
- What does the SFDC error message "CNR-E220... not processed. Unsupported object type"" mean?
- What does "Load describe for types [object types] failed" in the SFDC log?
- What does "No describe information for particular tenant" mean in the SFDC log?
- Why is SFDC no longer synchronizing with an error message of "MUTUAL_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED:"?