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Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base
Reltio Technical Support Engineering Knowledge Base
How can I apply a filter to only allow only specific entity types to be passed into the DPH cloud pipeline queue?
Will the correct winner be applied to the relationship table in the DataBricks connector?
OV calculation
When two profiles merge how do I know which Entity ID will survive?
Recency/LUD Survivorship is not working as expected
Why is the ReltioID being passed into the downstream queue to become the wrong one - OV=false?
Email limit in RIH
Recipe check queue in every 5 min.
SQL query execution is not happening in RIH.
Filtering Hyphen and Backslash in RIH recipe
Copy RIH recipe
Best practice for RIH data load recipe design.
See all 14 articles
Azure AD with Reltio
Read-only access to usage reporting
Authoring feature not working in UI
SSO and MFA Security
Users permission change
How to find users along with groups and roles
See all 31 articles
DnB Connector
Does the Salesforce Data filtering support an and/or functionality and can we use more then one attribute as filters?
Why is a Salesforce ID created if the error message reports that an event can not be created because the entity reached the 200 crosswalk size limit
Linking an existing SFDC connector to other environment
Snaplogic Data Load Best Practices?
Partial verification for address.
Address are not cleansing.
'PO Box' in address line not converted to upper case, although "OutputCasing": "Upper" is set.
How do I set up Loqate address cleansing for additional countries?
How to recleanse data for a tenant?
How to configure Address Cleanser Verification Status (AVC) and how does that configuration function?
See all 26 articles
Reltio Core and API
DLQ access
Change Data Type
Access to Reltio Ideas Portal.
Queue configuration failed in RIH
Conditions for ROCS Utility
Store JSON body
See all 84 articles
Data Loader
Data Loader
What are the different statuses of a Reltio task?
Does Reltio support exporting startObject and endObject in CSV format in case of Relation Export?
How can I aggregate the output into a single file In Spark-based export (v2)?
How to find the export version in Reltio
Why am I getting OV:false attribute values in my export output when I only want OV:true?
Why are some entities missing from the export?
See all 30 articles
Determine winner entity
How can we configure multiple match rules in the already existing proximity match entity?
Will the entities retain the same Entity ID/Reltio ID after an Unmerge?
Match rule cleanser doesn't cleanse some characters, although they present in the dictionary. Why?
[Video] How can a platform reset Not-a-Match and Manual-Match Flags
Potential Matches Reindex Task
See all 49 articles
Survivorship Rules and OV Calculator
Survivorship rule filter 'in'
Cardinality DCR created successfully and no error message in the UI
Why can't I change the IndividualEnrolmentStatus nested attribute value back to active from cancel?
Why can't I see nested attributes for address in the UI where SAP is defined as the highest priority in survivorship SRC_SYS definition?
Why do I see multiple attribute values surviving rather than just one value?
Why does the Reltio crosswalk value survives and ignores all other values in one case, but that doesn't happen in another case?
See all 13 articles
Increase entity search limit
Why do I see both OV and non-OV values in the search result?
How can I provide a list of entities that can be in an order that makes it easier to compare?
How can I filter out only profiles that are active, with two active crosswalks where the source is CODS and for a specific country?
Why is "search by OV only" returning entities based on an attribute value that is defined as ov=false?
What Roles are Needed to Update or Delete Other Users' Saved Searches?
See all 27 articles
Increase more than 200 OVs
Default Crosswalk Change.
How to enable relationships/profile/graph/potential matches/interactions/sources/activity log tab in UI profile?
[VIDEO] Reltio Dashboard Configuration
How can I add new dashboard charts to Reltio UI Dashboard Screen?
Disable Bulk Update option for specific role
See all 31 articles
Support tickets are being closed automatically/ end users are unable to create Support tickets.
How do I get access to Reltio Learn?
Why can I not get the events from five months ago?
Why did the same crosswalk generate a new autogenerated value instead of replacing the old one during a POST /entities with alwaysCreatedDCR turned on?
Why can't I find the individual update for an type of change, attribute that is changed, and the time period of change?
Does Reltio support Data Masking for certain attributes?
See all 26 articles
Workflow and Data Change Request
Workflow- Task assignment to system users
Is there a limit on the no of workflow tasks that can be created by POST /_generateFromQuery API?
Potential Match Review DCR - Possible assignee
Why is workflow not visible in the UI?
Why is an existing workflow not visible from the UI?
Fetch the DCR comments via API
See all 17 articles
Managing RDM Roles and Permissions
How can I get a list of all the unmapped lookup values using POSTMAN?
How can I perform a bulk update to change lookup code and lookup value in the MDM for relations?
How can I change lookup canonical values without having to reload profile data?
Why is the GET API to gather unmapped values not return the full set of unmapped values?
Why is the RDM lookup value loading slowly in the MDM tenant?
See all 19 articles
How to log in to Reltio Support Portal if you get "Access is denied" error
How do I create/edit a user role to view only data from a particular country?
How to define permission on the Relationship
How to Restrict User Access to Entity types based on Custom roles ?
How can I hide specific attributes in the Profile detail page?
Tools and Utilities
S3 VPC Endpoint
Tenant Cleanup process.
Reltio Platform Status Page
What is RSU and how can I reduce my RSU?
Why did Remove Duplicate Attributes task failed with "All host pools marked down" error?
All attributes are not available in Potential Match Jar :- pot-mat Data Extract
See all 15 articles
GBQ Access
Backlog not getting cleared from GBQ.
Reltio and GBQ record counts are different after tenant data clone.
How can I check that whether my GBQ entity tables are synchronized with my tenant entity data in Reltio?
How to re-synchronize RI and GBQ with MDM?
How can I pin a custom GBQ project for easy access?
How can I get access to Analytics and Reporting?
See all 8 articles
What Roles can be assigned to users for accessing a DT Tenant?
Why is DTSS synchronization not synchronizing for several relations?
How can I fix the fact that no address are appearing in the data tenant addresses that should be displayed in the potential match screen?
How does DTSS process relationship events?
What types of data sources are supported for data enrichment?
How does DTSS do matching?
See all 7 articles
Streaming (SQS/PubSub)
Can we disable the Streaming while Loading the Data Using Dataloader? And how do we enable it back after data loading?
What Happens When a Streaming Event is Unsuccessful?
How can I filter both entity and relations event in the queue?
Why are getting a validation error when we try to add an external queue?
Why am I getting an ENTITY_CHANGED event on a loser entity after a merge has occurred?
What should I do if the message size is very large?
See all 10 articles
Why is the analytical attribute not being updated in the persist Qubole code?
What can I do about a TTransport Error in Qubole processing?
RIQ: TTransport exception
How can we make sure a tenant has been enabled in the RIQ environment?
Enabling RIQ to show L3 configuration changes
Clone Activity.
What are the Pre-requisites and Estimated Time of Completion for a Tenant Backup?
During Clone Process can we clone only Data and Not Configuration?
Can I Clone/ Copy a large (>200k records) tenant to Dev tenant?
How to check Elastic Search Consistency check?
Question on Custom Script execution
See all 8 articles
Physical Configuration
Increase the object size in tenant
What do these setting mean in the physical tenant configuration?
How to determine why SQS Message might not delivered to the External Queue? How to conduct an initial investigation?
Google function for LCA.
Determining whether LCA is using valid credentials in settings.xml
DVFs with Reference Attributes
How can I download a LCA jar file when I am getting a "connection isn't private" error?
How do I call a rules engine API to validate rules before loading data?
Can You Make Rule Changes in NPI DT L3?
What system role is required to read records in DTSS tenant, but not edit records?
Migrating DTSS Mapping Between Environments
Consistency Tasks
Why is nothing returned from my GET /relations after a relations creation?
What happens if I see corruptedObjects in a reindex task and what should I do?
Data Quality (DQ)
Why can I apply a filtering in the DQ dashboard?